因為某天我的朋友寄給我一封E-Mail,介紹台灣中山北路上面一家叫做「A Burger」的和寶殿的漢堡,讓我忽然好像去吃吃看它的漢堡,但是因為那遠在台灣,為了彌補我思念漢堡的心情,所以某天我又去了這間我認為最好吃的漢堡。但是呢!嘿嘿....這次是不一樣的!
In-N-Out的漢堡好吃不是沒有道理的,如果你吃過它的漢堡,再去吃麥當勞、Burger King的漢堡的話,真的會難以下嚥!In-N-Out的東西除了飲料之外,都是現做的!包括薯條也是當場用整個馬鈴薯下去切的,所以有人說他覺得In-N-Out的薯條沒有麥當勞來得脆,那當然囉!因為麥叔叔的薯條是冷凍的,當然脆囉!不過他裡面其實也沒有什麼東西可以點,除了漢堡跟薯條外也沒別的了,漢堡也不像麥當勞有一堆種類,它只有「Hamburger」(一般漢堡)、「Cheese Burger」(起司口味的)和「Double Double」(雙層牛肉起司)三種可以選。甚至某些地點在某些時候(例如Gilroy outlet在感恩節時)人潮一多時,店裡甚至只有一種漢堡,不過呢就像好吃的日本拉麵店一樣,只賣一兩種拉麵就夠了,因為好吃不用多!
結果我朋友才說其實它有傳說中hidden menu的!當下我馬上問了傳說中隱藏菜單!我那時心裡就想下次我一定要去點點看這個傳說中的隱藏菜單!不過我跟其他人講這件事發現其實很多住在這裡10多年的美國人也不知道這個隱藏menu耶!大概他們不吃這些速食吧!好吧,現在來說說那些隱藏菜單吧!下次如果你有機會也可以去店裡試試。
首先是我的朋友推薦的,也是我這次點的叫做「Animal Style Burger」,它會先烤過,烤得有點脆脆的,並且與洋蔥跟小黃瓜、黃芥末醬一起烤!強烈推薦,超好吃!附上照片看了就知道~~
再來是吃素的朋友可以點的,叫做「protein style burger」這種漢堡呢,是用生菜來取代漢堡的麵包,喜歡多吃點蔬菜的人可以嚐一嚐。另外除了漢堡外,薯條也是有變化的,我的同事推薦一種叫做「Animal Style Fries」就是原本的薯條上面再淋上香濃的起司、洋蔥、小黃瓜和一點酸酸的味道,好像是千島的感覺,附上一張圖片!
"3-by-3" = three meat patties and three slices of cheese.
"4-by-4" = four meat patties and four slices of cheese.
"2-by-4" = two meat patties and four slices of cheese.
*Note: You can get a burger with as many meat patties or cheese slices as you want. Just tell the In-N-Out Burger cashier how many meat patties and how much cheese you want and that is what you'll get! For instance, if you want 6 pieces of meat and 10 pieces of cheese tell them you want a "6-by-10."
"Double Meat" = like a Double Double without cheese.
"3 by Meat" = three meat patties and no cheese.
"Animal Style" = the meat is cooked and fried with mustard and then pickles are added, extra spread and grilled onions are added.
"Animal Style Fries" = fries with cheese, spread, grilled onions and pickles (if you ask for them).
"Protein Style" = for all you low-carbohydrate dieters, this is a burger with no bun (wrapped in lettuce).
"Flying Dutchman" = two meat patties, two slices of melted cheese and nothing else - not even a bun!
Fries "Well-Done" = extra crispy fries . . . even better than the regular!
Fries "Light" = opposite of fries well-done, more raw than most people like 'em
"Grilled Cheese" = no meat, just melted cheese, tomato, lettuce and spread on a bun.
"Veggie Burger" = burger without the patty or cheese. Sometimes we call this the "Wish Burger."
"Neapolitan" Shake = strawberry, vanilla and chocolate blended together.